With New District Maps, NYIC Action Endorses Newcomers To Albany In Bid For Building Immigrant Power

June 3, 2022

With new district maps upending many primary races across New York State, the New York Immigration Coalition’s sister 501 (c)4 organization, NYIC Action, announced its fourth round of endorsements, including candidates for New York State Assembly and Lieutenant Governor.

The endorsements come three weeks before the June primary elections.

NYIC Action is endorsing a new slate of candidates seeking to make an impact in Albany by pushing for bold progressive change amid a series of national crises.

As many enduring and critical issues for people of color come to the forefront of this year’s elections, including immigrant rights, reproductive justice, and gun control, NYIC Action is proud to endorse an array of candidates committed to challenging the status quo by advancing an unequivocally progressive agenda across New York State.

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The endorsements include Sarahana Shrestha, a first-generation immigrant candidate from Nepal, who is a proven champion of her community in the Hudson Valley.

Other historic endorsements include Steven Raga, who would become the first ever Filipino American elected to office in New York State. Notably, NYIC Action is endorsing Ana María Archila for Lieutenant Governor, as she seeks to upend the race amid a scandal-driven shake-up for the seat.

Ana María has long fought for the most marginalized and vulnerable, and her dedication and commitment to our communities will help transform New York to allow all to thrive.

With insurgents like Jonathan Soto, Anthony Simone, and Monique Chandler-Waterman among the endorsements, NYIC Action aims to elect a new diverse class of progressive leaders to represent immigrant communities in Albany.

“This year’s elections represent an inflection point in American politics,” said Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director, NYIC Action. “As increasingly salient issues like immigrant rights, reproductive justice, and gun control take center stage, we must elect proven champions of our communities to protect and expand the rights of all New Yorkers—our endorsed candidates are committed to building a more equitable future for New York families, regardless of legal status. After two years of unified Democratic control of Congress and the White House, we must turn to New York State to deliver on the unfulfilled promises of leaders in Washington. NYIC Action is proud to endorse a progressive slate of up-and-coming candidates that will fundamentally change Albany, by opening the halls of power to our historically excluded communities and passing meaningful legislation that will improve the lives of  immigrant New Yorkers.”

“I’m incredibly honored to have the endorsement and support of NYIC Action in my race to continue serving the 58th District,” said Assemblywoman Monique Chandler-Waterman (AD 58). “Our community was born out of the vision and determination of immigrants from all over the world, including the Caribbean and African diaspora, and key to our advancement as a community is the ability for all to engage in the democratic process. And as Assemblywoman, I’ll fight until we win passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to protect the rights, we hold dear.”

I am a fierce advocate of quality education for all,” said Steven Raga (AD 30). “As a child of immigrants, I was constantly reminded about the importance of education. As I grew up, I understood the wise words of my parents and their emphasis that the future lies in education. I will continue to fight for equitable education for all. Today I walk in their truth as a CUNY and SUNY grad, ready to fight for our future.”

“I’m proud to have earned the endorsement of New York Immigration Coalition Action,” said Anthony Simone (AD 75). “I look forward to working in partnership with NYIC and fellow pro-immigrant legislators to pass the Access to Representation Act, ensuring all immigrants facing deportation have a lawyer on their side.”

The fourth round of endorsements from NYIC Action includes: 

For New York Lieutenant Governor: 

  • Ana María Archila 

For the New York State Assembly:

  • Steven Raga (AD 30)
  • Monique Chandler-Waterman (AD 58)
  • Anthony Simone (AD 75)
  • Jonathan Soto (AD 82)
  • Sarahana Shrestha (AD 103)

The endorsements come after the announcement of a third round of candidates in May. The choices were made following a thorough review of each candidates’ records on immigration.

Only candidates with a consistent history of championing and securing advancements in immigrant rights received an endorsement.

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