Should Men Buy Unique Wedding Rings In Harlem And Beyond?

December 1, 2023

For many years, many men considered wedding rings as something that only women were interested in.

They spent three months’ salary to buy their wives an engagement ring with diamonds, then another few thousand dollars to buy a second ring for the wedding, and then get a cheap gold-plated band for themselves.

However, these opinions have changed in recent years and these men have decided that if they’re going to wear the thing every day for many years, it should also reflect who they are. Unique wedding rings have actually existed for thousands of years but have only recently begun to catch on, due to their lack of portrayal in popular media.

Let’s take a look at what unique wedding rings are and then we’ll explore the arguments for and against purchasing one for your wedding, so you can be better informed about the merits of this new trend.

What are Unique Wedding Rings? What Do They Look Like?

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A unique wedding ring is a term that refers to a band that isn’t made of a precious metal like gold or silver. They can be of different shapes or sizes and made of diamond, wood, or another substance.

Jaume Labro’s beautiful line of unique wedding rings for men have proven very popular.

Rings made out of opal and other non-traditional stones have grown in popularity in recent years.

Although diamond rings have traditionally been marketed toward women, times have changed and many men have begun to buy diamond rings for themselves as well.

Reasons to Get a Unique Wedding Ring

Unique wedding rings allow their owners to break from tradition and express themselves. They can be representative of the marriage itself, as some include two separate metal alloys combined to create something new while maintaining their individual qualities, which serves as a perfect metaphor for your love for one another.

They can also provide an opportunity to represent your interests or hobbies. If you and your wife are fans of the Buffalo Bills or New York Knicks, for example, a wedding band with their colors could be the perfect statement. A Lord of the Rings fan might enjoy a fancy, gold-plated replica of the One Ring.

Silicone rings can also be very practical for electrical or metal workers, as they are non-conductive and can be easily replaced if they’re lost or damaged at work.

According to The Wedding Report, the average marriage ceremony in the United States in 2022 had a total cost of nearly $30,000, of which over $1,300 was spent on wedding rings. Non-traditional wedding bands can lower that amount and make the event more affordable.

Arguments Against Purchasing a Unique Wedding Ring

Despite the growing trend, there are some people who prefer traditional rings and would never consider a unique wedding band. Sometimes it’s because they have a family heirloom ring that they’d like to use instead. Some men may prefer not to spend very much on their own wedding band so they can get a bigger diamond for their future wife.

Some brides will prefer that their future husbands use a traditional wedding ring, at least for the ceremony itself, although many couples now have two sets of bands: one for anniversaries, formal occasions, or photos and another for everyday use. This ensures that the more expensive ring isn’t lost or damaged while still letting everyone know that you’re both happily taken.

Shyer men may prefer a non-descript, traditional gold band that won’t call attention to themselves or serve as a conversation starter.

The Last Word

Although unique wedding rings can be a fun and exciting way for grooms to express themselves, other people prefer not to break with tradition and would rather buy a traditional band. Some people may even feel that they express themselves best with a standard wedding ring.

There is no “correct” answer, of course, because the right ring for your wedding will depend on a variety of factors but, most importantly, it should be one that makes you and your partner happy. No matter which route you decide you take, you can have an amazing wedding with friends and family to celebrate your marriage.

Best of luck!

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