Immigrant Voters And Their Allies Show Their Power As NYIC Action Candidates Win Big In Primary Races

August 24, 2022

New Yorkers went to the primary polls on Tuesday, and despite the new Congressional and State Senate maps reconfiguring districts across the state.

NYIC Action’s slate of endorsed candidates secured resounding victories. Progressive candidates are on their way to Albany and Washington D.C. thanks to rising immigrant power in New York State.

All endorsed candidates committed to NYIC Action’s political agenda, 2022: A Blueprint for New York State, an inclusive policy plan to ensure that every New Yorker can thrive.

Murad Awawdeh, Executive Director of NYIC Action, issued the following statement:

“Last night, voters proved that our state and federal governments need to build a future that prioritizes the needs of every New Yorker, as a formidable number of our endorsed candidates won their Democratic primaries. The immigrant rights movement in New York gets stronger every day, and this round of victories brings us closer to ensuring that policies are enacted that strengthen and protect our communities. But the fight doesn’t stop here. We will keep pushing for our candidates in their general elections, and hold them accountable to take bold, visionary stances on immigration when they take office. The voices of immigrant New Yorkers are being heard, and will continue to uplift them.”

NYIC Action-endorsed candidates that will advance to the November general election include:
For Congress:

  • Grace Meng, NY-6
  • Nydia  Velazquez, NY-7
  • Hakeem Jeffries, NY-8
  • Yvette  Clarke NY-9
  • Jerry Nadler, NY-12
  • Adriano Espaillat, NY-13
  • Alexandria  Ocasio-Cortez, NY-14
  • Jamaal  Bowman, NY-16

For the NYS Senate:

  • Michael Gianaris, SD 12
  • Jessica Ramos, SD 13
  • Julia Salazar, SD 18
  • Roxanne Persaud, SD 19
  • Jabari Brisport, SD 25
  • Andrew Gounardes, SD 26
  • Cordell Cleare, SD 32
  • Gustavo Rivera, SD 33
  • Luis Sepulveda, SD 34
  • Nathalia Fernandez, SD 34
  • Andrea Stewart-Cousins, SD 35
  • Shelley Mayer, SD 37
  • Michelle Hinchey, SD 41
  • Neil Breslin, SD 45
  • Brad Hoylman, SD 47
  • Rachel May, SD 48
  • John Mannion, SD 52
  • Lea Webb, SD 53
  • Samra Brouk, SD 55
  • Jeremy Cooney, SD 56
  • Kristen Gonzalez, SD 59
  • Timothy Kennedy, SD 63


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This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for Congress and the New York State Senate.

Each round of endorsements was made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs. 

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