EVHybridNoire, Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition, Lime, NYSERDA, Headline Electric Vehicle Panel At NY State Diverse Legislators’ Conference

April 7, 2022

The Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition (GWRCCC), Lime, NYSERDA, Assemblywoman Latrice Walker, and New York City Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers will join EVHybridNoire.

EVHybridNoire is the nation’s largest network of diverse electric vehicle (EV), drivers and enthusiasts, in headlining an electric vehicle panel later this week at the 51st New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislators (NYSABPRHAL) Conference.

The panel will increase awareness among diverse legislators and stakeholders about opportunities to advance equitable multimodal electrification.

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The annual conference focuses on engaging New York state legislators and constituents of color in a dialogue about issues and policies that have an impact on their daily lives and their communities.

EVHybridNoire, GWRCCC, Lime and NYSERDA, will be featured on the April 8, 2022, panel entitled, “EV Equity: How Cities and New York State Can Utilize Incoming Federal Funding to Equitably Advance Electric Vehicles.”

The event will kick off with remarks from New York State Assemblywoman and NYSABPRHAL chair Latrice Walker.

New York City Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers will be joined by Antoine Thompson, former New York state senator and executive director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition (GWRCCC); Adam Ruder, assistant director of clean transportation at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA); Nickey Yearwood, senior manager government relations for Lime and Dr. Shelley Francis, co-founder and executive director of EVHybridNoire.

“Addressing opportunities to deploy more EVs and other e-mobility options is critical for all communities, but especially for New York’s communities of color that have faced decades of disproportionately negative health impacts from air-polluting tailpipe emissions,” said Dr. Francis, who is also an Electric Vehicle Association national board member and former medical school professor. She continued, “As federal funding streams into cities and states for e-mobility investments, policymakers and planners will be faced with choices about what to prioritize and how to implement equitable investment and programs supporting transit, rideshare, EVs and other e-mobility options, and this panel will discuss best practices and provide guidance to empower state legislators and diverse communities.”

“It is imperative that local and state governments help remove real and perceived barriers to EVs for underserved communities. We should not make the same mistakes from the implementation of and access to broadband in NYS and across the country,” stated Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition and former New York State Senator.

In the spirit of the theme “Moving Forward with a Demand for Democracy,” other workshop forums during the conference will focus on issues such as health care inequities, criminal justice reform, workforce and economic development opportunities, and other high-priority topics impacting communities of color.

The conference will be held at the Albany Hilton beginning on Friday, April 8, and will continue through Saturday, April 9.

Find out more about the conference and registration details on NYSABPRHAL’s website at https://nysabprlinc.org.

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), established in 1975, is a New York State public-benefit corporation that promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, with a mission to advance clean energy innovation and investments to combat climate change, improving the health, resiliency, and prosperity of New Yorkers and delivering benefits equitably to all. Find out more at https://www.nyserda.ny.gov.

Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition (GWRCCC), focused on the Washington, D.C. metro area, one of nearly 80 coalitions in the U.S. that fosters economic, environmental, and energy security by working locally to advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels, energy-efficient mobility systems, and other fuel-saving technologies and practices. Find out more at https://gwrccc.org.

EVHybridNoire is the nation’s largest network of diverse electric vehicle (EV) drivers and enthusiasts, working to advance EVs and multimodal e-mobility solutions across the U.S. and ensuring those solutions are inclusive and equitable.

EVHybridNoire recently crafted its Public Policy Toolkit intended for diverse policymakers such as NYSABPRHAL’s attendees, which can be found at https://evhybridnoire.com/publicpolicytoolkit.

Lime is founded on the simple idea that all communities deserve access to smart, affordable mobility.

Through the equitable distribution of shared scooters, bikes, and transit vehicles, we aim to reduce dependence on personal automobiles for short-distance transportation and leave future generations with a cleaner, healthier planet.

Find out more at https://www.li.me/about-us.

Photo credit: Electric cars (Wikipedia)

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