Big Used Book Sale To Support Revolution Books And National Revolution Tour In Harlem

June 12, 2022

Support Revolution Books and the National Tour to Get Organized for an Actual Revolution.

Contribute to fighting for the future!

IF YOU can’t stand the way the world is.

IF YOU are in agony at the insanity they call America and the rot at the heart of this society.

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IF YOU are thirsty for the true history of this country and the world.

IF YOU love the stories, poems, the expressions and dreams of humanity across the globe…

Come through and support something truly emancipating at a time of great danger and revolutionary possibility.

Thousands of books on sale to raise thousands of dollars!

* Black history and literature   * Women’s studies and gender studies

* Fiction & poetry from around the world   * Science and Philosophy

* History and Politics   * Revolutionary theory and history

* Cookbooks and Health   * Kids’ books   * Surprises

* * *
Proceeds will be shared between Revolution Books and the National Tour to Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution
: Volunteers on the ground and on the internet working to transform the entire political situation, in every corner of society—bringing forward the organized forces for revolution and changing what people see as necessary, possible and worth fighting for. Now anchored in Los Angeles, Tour volunteers from across the country have dedicated themselves full time to this mission, including producing the weekly YouTube RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less– Show.

…As the Supreme Court moves toward abolishing the right to abortion and a growing movement aims to STOP this

…As a U.S.-NATO proxy war escalates in Ukraine and the potential for nuclear war looms

…As scientists and youth rebel against capitalist-imperialist destruction of the environment

…As police murder of Black and brown people goes on, and on, and on

…As the fascist Republican Party races to erase the votes of people of color and those who will not legitimize a white supremacist and woman-hating regime…

Sat.&Sun. June 11&12, noon til 7 pm at Revolution Books, 437 Malcolm X Blvd, New York, NY, 10037 in Harlem, NY

Support Revolution Books! Donate, and head to the big Used Book Sale to buy books and to learn more.

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