Applying For Romanian Passport By Repatriation With The Help Of Eucitizensship

September 21, 2022

Migration from third-world countries to EU is definitely about obtaining a better life.

It gives business, travel, employment, and education opportunities, so the immigrant becomes able to reach success in a particular field. To receive the benefits of the European Union the person should ponder obtaining EU citizenship.

Getting a passport, and even a residence permit from any European country is quite a delicate process. You need to act properly at every stage, from gathering documents to applying for a citizenship. Fortunately, with the help of Eucitizensship, an immigration company, the personal case has a chance of being processed quickly and without much effort on the immigrants` side.

Advantages of Repatriation Program mentioned in reviews

It is a good decision for you to get citizenship of Romania by repatriation program because it is simpler and takes about year (in comparison with naturalization, which takes about 8 years). This procedure usually costs less than investment. But the biggest benefit of repatriation is that immigrants can save their current citizenship, and obtain the second one at the same time.

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According to the Act of Romanian law (Article 11), a foreigner can become a citizen if one proves his/her ethnicity. All you need is to provide evidence that you have Romanian origin or have a kinship with ancestors who previously lived in Romania, and had citizenship of that country.

Repatriates have equal rights with all Europeans, that fact gives them a big chance to realize their goals which were unreachable in the past.

Features of Eucitizensship

There are several advantages that make Eucitizensship stand out from the rest:

  • Confidentiality. They treat personal data of every client with respect;
  • High professionalism. Lawyers pay attention to details, so they will do its work seamless (frequently mentioned in reviews);
  • Legality. The company works legally, and in accordance with European law;
  • Full support. Team of professionals will consult you and answer all urgent questions.

To get more information about their services, fill in the online form on the official website and you will be consulted as soon as possible.

Getting a Romanian Passport with the Support of

You may be wondering about how the company works. Romanian passport registration with Eucitizensship includes the following procedures:

  • Searching for the documents in the repository. Your goal is to prove that you have Romanian ancestors, and lawyers will help you to find that evidence.
  • Preparation for the dossier. It is important to translate and notarize the documents, and the company is responsible for that. Then the immigrant will submit documents to the Ministry of Justice in Romania.
  • Preparing for the oath-taking ceremony. After the verification of a person’s case done, they need to take the oath of allegiance. This stage is handled easily because the lawyers provide the customers with all the needed materials for preparation.
  • Registration of internal documents. With the certificate of Romanian citizenship, which clients of Eucitizensship obtain after passing the oath-taking ceremony, they go to the authorized bodies to register internal documents (passport, birth certificate, driver’s license, etc.).

Online Customer Reviews

As clients in reviews on the Internet say, the company is a legal, official, and reliable immigration expert. Most people who have left reviews about Eucitizensship say that their cooperation with those lawyers was of a high professional level and therefore – successful. offers step-by-step assistance and makes the procedure of obtaining documents simple and accessible for everyone. A great number of clients have positive personal experiences (due to reviews), and thus were satisfied with the quality of the service. They highly recommend services to other people. To build a personal opinion and decide if it is worth contacting the lawyers, look through the reviews.


Eucitizensship is a good option for you if you have decided to relocate to Romania by repatriation. In case you are not sure whether the lawyers adhere to the principles of honesty, safety, and reliability, go to the official website ( and see what guarantees you get if you decide to cooperate with The other way is to fill in the online form on its website and get a free consultation performed by the experts via phone. Customer reviews about the company persuade that registration with Eucitizensship is the best way to obtain a Romanian passport because clients is provided with full assistance and the lawyers demonstrate professionalism, experience, reliability, and safety. They are great experts who can assist you during the procedure of obtaining citizenship in the European Union, and make your application easy.

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