Health Department Releases 2022 HIV Report For World AIDS Day 2023

November 28, 2023

The Health Department today released its 2022 HIV Surveillance Annual Report, which shows continued progress toward ending the HIV epidemic in New York City.

In 2022, 1,624 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in New York City, down 2% from 2021, 17% from 2018, and 72% from 2001. The relatively stable number of new HIV diagnoses from 2021 to 2022 may reflect ongoing “catch-up” of HIV diagnoses not made as readily during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when HIV testing services were less accessible. Despite this, New York City continues to experience an overall downward trend in new diagnoses of HIV.

“New HIV diagnoses continue to fall, and we are seeing a rebound in HIV testing and care-seeking,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan. “The history of HIV – and the many public health heroes who wrote it – showed we not only could change the trajectory of the disease but also commit to ending the epidemic once and for all. These lessons can also guide us as we chart a path to a healthier New York City that will lead to longer lives for all.”

While these 2022 data demonstrate important progress toward ending the HIV epidemic in New York City, inequities persist across many communities. Of all women newly diagnosed with HIV in 2022, 84% were Black or Latina/Hispanic, and of all men newly diagnosed, 83% were Black or Latino/Hispanic. Of all men newly diagnosed with HIV in 2022, 62% were men who have sex with men (MSM), a significant majority (82%) of whom were Black or Latino. And 41% of New Yorkers newly diagnosed with HIV in 2022 lived in neighborhoods of high or very high poverty.  Differences in the distribution of new HIV diagnoses among racial and ethnic groups and other categories are influenced by long-term structural racism and discrimination.

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“Our 2022 data reflect both ongoing progress toward ending the HIV epidemic in New York City and the work that remains to be done,” said Dr. Sarah Braunstein, Assistant Commissioner for the Health Department’s Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV, and Sexually Transmitted Infections. “We must work together with our dedicated provider and community partners to ensure that all communities affected by HIV have access to the services and care they need. I especially want to reaffirm our commitment to eliminating HIV-related disparities in marginalized communities, which is critical to ending the HIV epidemic in New York City.”

In 2022, 79% of all people with HIV in New York City were virally suppressed, meaning they had undetectable viral loads on the last viral load measurement of the calendar year. This figure remained stable from 2021 to 2022 and is up from 75% in 2018. People with HIV who are on treatment and maintain an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV through sex.

December 1, 2023, marks the 35th annual World AIDS Day. In recognition, the Health Department will host a World AIDS Day event at its offices in Long Island City, Queens. The event will feature remarks from Dr. Sarah Braunstein and a panel discussion moderated by Krishna Stone, Director of Community Relations at GMHC. Dr. Michelle Morse, Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Commissioner for the Health Department’s Center for Health Equity and Community Wellness, will recognize the following 2023 World AIDS Day awardees during the event.

  • Lazara Paz-Gonzalez, Senior Director of Youth Services for Hetrick-Martin Institute
  • Luis Mares, Director of Community Mobilization for Latino Commission on AIDS
  • Jennifer Medina Matsuki, former Director of HIV Social Marketing and Community Engagement for the Health Department’s Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV, and Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Ballroom, We Care
  • COIN (Cecilia’s Occupational Inclusion Network) Clinic at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
  • HEAT (Health and Education Alternatives for Teens) Program at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
  • New Pride Agenda

The Health Department’s 2023 World AIDS Day event is open to the public. To register to attend virtually or in person, visit the registration page.

“I’m old enough to remember, as a young member of ACT UP, the first World AIDS Day 35 years ago,” said Peter Staley, Board Member of PrEP4All. “Much has been accomplished since then, but we won’t end AIDS until the health inequities that today’s statistics highlight become the primary focus of our fight.”

“On World AIDS Day 2023 and every day, we honor, love, and remember the people we’ve lost, and recommit ourselves to this life-changing and affirming work,” said Diane Tider, Director of Prevention for Mount Sinai Health System Institute for Advanced Medicine. “We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, reflecting on their struggles and sacrifices, reveling in the incredible accomplishments of science and our communities, while we acknowledge the significant work still to be done, dismantling stigma and oppression, and ensuring that no one is left behind.”

“This World AIDS Day, we honor the remarkable progress in the battle against HIV/AIDS and reaffirm our commitment to pursuing the ultimate goal of ending the epidemic,” said Therese Rodriguez, CEO of Apicha Community Health Center. “Yet, much work still needs to be done. We are focused on reaching the communities that bear the brunt of new infections. Partnering with these groups to address their social determinants of health is crucial for stabilizing their lives and linking them to comprehensive HIV prevention and care services. Together we will end AIDS.”

New Yorkers can text CARE for HIV treatment info or TESTNYC for HIV testing info to 55676. Also see our new Sexual Health web page at for sexual and reproductive health information and how to get low- to no-cost sexual and reproductive health care services in New York City.

The Health Department is also developing new print-friendly user’s guides on HIV testing, emergency PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), daily PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), PrEP on-demand, and long-acting injectable PrEP, and a new “PrEP Prevents HIV” pocket guide. In early 2024, these new public-facing materials will be available in English and Spanish on the Health Department’s website, and providers and community partners will be able to order “PrEP Prevents HIV” pocket guides for delivery to their business addresses.

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