Holistic Approaches To Treat Alcohol Addiction From Harlem And Beyond

October 18, 2023

Alcohol addiction is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. But how do you identify alcohol addiction? 

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol addiction is a disorder that impairs the ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. 

In Michigan, alcohol-related deaths, especially among women, are higher than the national average. These statistics are alarming, and therefore, individuals scared to get help in-person can take advantage of the help of Michigan’s best online substance abuse counseling center to overcome addiction. 

Alcohol addiction is a complex and pervasive issue, and professional help is crucial to treating this addiction. 

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The following article discusses some holistic approaches to overcoming alcohol addiction. 

Approaches to Treat Alcohol Addiction

There are various misconceptions revolving around alcohol addiction. Many think willpower or seeking professional help will help overcome addiction. But this is not entirely true. 

To overcome addiction successfully, holistic approaches with a personalized strategy are crucial. 

Some of the treatments for alcohol addiction are the following:

Detox: The first step to alcohol recovery is detox. It is not a treatment but a plan where the addict chooses not to drink alcohol. Complete alcohol detox may take days or even weeks. During this phase, a person may encounter withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, hallucinations, and seizures. 

Rehab: Many people also enroll in rehabilitation programs to overcome addiction. These programs facilitate both inpatient and outpatient recovery. The periods of a rehab program can range from a month to several months, depending on the approach and level of addiction.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points of the body to stimulate energy flow. Some research suggests that acupuncture can reduce alcohol craving and withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, clinical studies have shown that working on specific acupuncture points can help control alcohol addiction.  It has also been shown to help with emotional aspects of addiction, such as anxiety and depression.

Mindful meditation: Mindful meditation involves paying focused and non-judgemental attention to the present moment. It helps individuals in recovery become aware of their cravings and triggers and enables them to develop a healthy coping mechanism strategy.

Studies have shown that mindful practices can reduce relapse rates and improve emotional regulation among individuals with alcohol addiction.

Medication: Medication can’t completely cure alcohol disorder, but it can help in recovery. Drugs such as Disulfiram (Antabuse) make you feel sick every time you drink, Acamprosate (Campral) helps with the alcohol cravings, and Naltrexone (Revia) blocks the high. These drugs make drinking less enjoyable and help overcome the addiction. 

Support group: International support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, help individuals suffering from alcohol addiction. Most of these groups are apolitical and self-supporting and are available everywhere.    

Online treatment: Fighting with alcohol addiction comes with guilt and shame. Therefore, to keep the identity of the addiction anonymous, various hospitals provide online treatment. These treatments use a combination of behavioral therapy with other treatments.

These services can be availed from anywhere, and there is no waiting time. Moreover, many insurance plans accept these treatment plans and provide financial assistance. 

Nutrition: Proper nutrition is crucial for healing the body and mind during recovery.  A balanced diet will help repair the physical damage caused by alcohol abuse and improve overall health. Nutritional therapy can be integrated with other treatment programs to help individuals in their journey toward sobriety. 

To defeat alcoholism, a combination of all or a few of the treatments is essential. 

How to Know When is the Right Time to Treatment? 

Alcohol addiction is destroying individuals and families. According to a survey, 28.6 million people above 18 had alcohol-related disorders in 2021. It is crucial to know when is the right time to get treatment for alcohol addiction. 

Any of the following signs indicate that it is time to seek professional help: 

  • The person needs a large quantity of alcohol to get drunk. 
  • When an individual abstains from drinking alcohol, they get withdrawal symptoms such as seizures, anxiety, hallucination, and emotional turmoil. 
  • The person starts drinking alcohol at odd hours, such as in the morning or on their way to work.
  • The person doesn’t stay sober for an extended period. 


Suffering from addiction can be difficult for the addict and their family. But don’t lose hope; there are ways to fight this addiction. Even though there is no one way to treat alcohol addiction, a holistic approach can help in treating this disease successfully. Individuals and their families in the recovery journey must explore these approaches and create a personalized strategy that will work for them.

Photo credit: Source.

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