5 Tips To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

October 16, 2023

Increasingly customers are choosing to support businesses that can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness.

So, not only can adopting environmentally responsible practices help to protect the planet, but it can also improve your brand’s reputation, and attract eco-conscious customers.

If you’re looking for ways to make your business more environmentally friendly, here are just five fantastic tips to help you get started.

1)    Choose Renewable Energy Providers

Finding the right energy provider for your business is an important choice, and while it’s vital that you consider costs, you should also find a provider that is committed to protecting the planet from the growing threat of climate change.

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Green energy providers such as Octopus Energy pride themselves on offering low-cost tariffs and electricity that comes solely from renewable sources.

If you’re coming towards the end of your current energy deal, then consider shopping around for suppliers who share your eco-friendly outlook.

2)    Opt for Sustainable Packaging

If your brand has to ship items out to customers, then you’re going to want to ensure that you use sustainable packaging to try and offset the emissions that will undoubtedly occur in the shipping process.

Look into recycled paper and boxes for your items to minimize waste, and even consider using locally sourced products to make.

Sustainable sourcing and packaging will not only help to reduce your carbon footprint but help to demonstrate to your climate-conscious customers that you and your brand are environmentally responsible.

3)    Improve Your Energy Efficiency

Not only is energy efficiency good for the environment, but an energy-efficient office can also save you money too.

One of the biggest drains on our business resources can come from the heating and cooling of your office space. While double and triple glazing are well-known insulators to keep the heat in. Solar control windows are a great way to lower your air conditioning usage.

If you’re looking to upgrade your office windows, then expert glaziers such as Halifax Glass can help you find the perfect way to make your space more energy-efficient.

4)    Consider Electric Vehicles

If your company provides its workers with a company car, then consider switching to either all electric or hybrid cars.

Not only are electric cars better for the planet but running them can also save your staff money. With continued calls for the ban of new petrol and diesel cars, switching your fleet of company cars to electric models can help you get ahead of the game. 

5)    Master the Art of Recycling

We all think that we know how to recycle, but many of us don’t really know what can and can’t be recycled in our area. Despite the best of intentions, not having a full understanding of the recycling rules can lead to us contaminating a recycling bin and condemning a batch of waste to the landfill.

Encourage recycling in your office, but make sure that you provide your staff with clear signage and instructions on what items can be recycled. Make sure you know what you can recycle in your area so you can give your team accurate instructions.

Have you made your office more environmentally friendly? Share your tips and tricks to sustainability success in the comments below!

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