3 Essential Tips For Mastering Your Time Management

October 16, 2023

Time is an invaluable resource, and it isn’t infinite for any of us.

How we manage our time can make a huge difference to our stress levels, and effective management can keep us from feeling overwhelmed.

We live in an increasingly fast-moving world, making effective time management an essential skill that can improve your personal and professional life.

So, if you’re looking to improve your time management, here are just three fantastic ways to help you make the most of your time each day.

1) Prioritise Your Tasks

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One of the best ways to take control of your time is to prioritize your tasks. At the start of each day, list your tasks in order of their urgency and work through them that way.

If you struggle to keep all your tasks in one place, then it can be difficult to gain the oversight you need to prioritize.

Luckily, as with so many things in the digital age that we now live in, there’s an app for that – in fact there are several. Apps such as Todoist are a fantastic way for you to manage your tasks, and therefore manage your time.

By keeping all your tasks in one place, you can gain control over your time and feel calmer each day.

2) Engage in Remote Work and Learning

One thing that many of us learned during the pandemic ­– when so many of us had to work from home – was how much of our time can be lost to the commute.

Remote working and distance learning have a wide variety of benefits, including a better work/life balance, and more control over your time. If you have previously thrived working from home, consider talking to your boss about making this a permanent arrangement.

Similarly, if you’re preparing to take the next step in your education journey, then you could consider doing so through distance learning. Expert providers such as Anglia Ruskin University offer a range of courses, including their International Business & Commercial Law LLM (top-up), that can allow you to take the next step.

Distance learning is ideal if you’re looking to take control of your own study schedule and choose your study location. You can pick your most productive hours and study from anywhere in the world, provided you have access to the internet.

3) Learn How to Say No

For some of us, saying no can be difficult, especially when requests come from those that we care about. However, if you don’t know how to say no, you can start to find that your time is stretched too thin, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

Saying no can take practice, but there are steps that you can take to set aside your people-pleasing ways. And, if you feel like you need expert help, consider utilizing therapy services such as BetterHelp. Professional therapists can teach you valuable skills to help you set firmer boundaries.

Have you mastered the art of time management? Share your tips in the comments below!

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One Comment

  1. Great article! Prioritizing tasks, considering remote work and learning, and learning to say no are indeed effective ways to manage time better. Thanks for the helpful tips!

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