Managing Work, Life, And An Online MBA Course: How To Do It All!

September 21, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, pursuing an online MBA course while juggling work and personal life might seem like an overwhelming endeavor.

However, with careful and effective planning, it is possible to strike a balance with all three, allowing you to excel in all aspects.

In this blog post, we will explore some valuable tips for managing work, life, and the online MBA course.

Leverage online learning resources

An online MBA program is a boon for working professionals, allowing them to pursue academics without compromising on their job.

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Most Master of Business Administration programs offer flexible schedules, recorded lectures, access to digital libraries, and discussion forums, allowing students to study at their own pace and convenience. Online learning not only saves your time but also reduces your effort to learn and understand subjects.

You can learn more by internalising subjects, which could enhance your critical thinking ability.

Setting clear goals and priorities

Setting clear goals and priorities can be the foundation for effective time management.

It starts with identifying long-term and short-term objectives for both your professional career and for the online MBA course. Setting clear demarcations would help you stay focused and motivated during your course timeline and beyond. Making a to-do list and ticking boxes as you achieve the objectives is a popular technique that could help you organise your efforts.

It’s a good idea to determine the number of hours you need for study and setting aside those hours each week.

Create a structured schedule

Developing a weekly schedule and allocating specific time blocks for work, study, and life can help you streamline your personal and family life while leaving time for leisure activities.

Adhering to your schedule as much as possible ensures your steady progress in the online MBA program without compromising on your job or personal commitments. As a management student, you can leverage the learnings of the business framework and create one for you.

This can include work goals, MBA goals, life goals, and a collective feedback loop.

Time management techniques

Use time management techniques such as the Pomodoro technique, time blocking, and task prioritization to maximise your productivity levels during study sessions.

Breaking your study sessions into small manageable chunks could help to maintain focus and improve concentration levels. Set smart goals and develop a feedback loop as a reminder to reward and remind mistakes.

Employ productivity tools and mobile apps to organise your workflow and tasks, set reminders, and manage information overload on your smart gadgets.

Build a support system

Talk to your family and close friends about your MBA and professional career goals. Their understanding and support can be invaluable during challenging times.

You can also consider joining online study groups to connect with fellow students going through challenges. Friends can be pillars of support and anchors to lean on in tough times, Talk to them and revisit good old days; half of your worries could likely disappear.

Share your schedule and ask for their cooperation when you need to dedicate time to your studies.


Often, in the hustle of managing daily life and running towards our career goals, we tend to forget our self-care.

Self-care includes getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and incorporating regular physical activity into your routine.

A healthy body and healthy mind are both essential to success in professional and academic life. Taking short breaks during your work and study can refresh your mind. Relaxation techniques like mindfulness meditation and deep breathing can significantly reduce stress and improve your focus.

These techniques keep your hormone levels under check.

Wrapping Up

Managing work, life and your higher education at the same time can be challenging. In this blog post, we discussed some key points to help you manage work, life, and online MBA holistically. 

We hope you found this information useful.

Photo credit: HWM. By HWM Partner.

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