Simple Steps To Increase Your Life Expectancy In Harlem And Beyond

September 18, 2023

There aren’t specific sure ways that one can increase their life expectancy.

However, according to history and research, people tend to live longer when they adopt certain lifestyle habits. They can be things as simple as walking outside or taking supplements. Also, modern natural supplements, such as the NMN supplement UK, for instance, are a great booster for your vital organs, allowing you to feel youthful and more energetic. Besides taking supplements, here are other things you may do daily to lengthen your life.

1.   Good and Healthy Diet

Unsurprisingly, this would be the first on the list. What you put into your body is critical regarding life expectancy. Ensure you have enough of everything from proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and everything else. This might be a challenge to most as the daily schedules of everyday life between work and family can easily make you give in to fast food. Try to obtain healthier foods such as nuts, fruits, vegetables, and grains. Natural protein sources are also great, including beans and fish; this will help fight the increasing number of individuals with diabetes and high blood pressure, most of whom suffer from poor dietary habits.

2.   Lower Your Stress

Our bodies release the Cortisol hormone to increase high breathing and heart rate to help us deal with stress. If left unchecked, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and heart disease might follow. Furthermore, studies show that stress quickens the molecular aging of cells.

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More cortisol causes the disintegration of cells and boosts the generation of free radicals, which damages cells and causes them to malfunction. If this continues, it could result in various cancers.

You can manage stress in several ways, most commonly opting for mind-body therapy like gentle yoga, intense breathing exercises, and mindful meditation. You can also try out guided imagery, biofeedback, and Tai Chi.    

3.   Health Screening and Tests

Ensuring you are on top of your health is crucial to increasing your life expectancy. Occasionally, paying a visit to your healthcare provider might be a lifesaver, as there are instances where certain illnesses and conditions come to light early on, and prevention is possible.

Paying a professional a visit at least annually is critical for evaluation and physical exams. Suppose you already have other severe medical conditions. In that case, you may need to see a specialist more often than that to keep track of your medication and ensure that they are effective and that treatment is happening as it should.

There are also vaccines like the COVID-19 shots, the flu, and even the pre-planned ones like the meningococcal vaccines and shingles. Prevention is better than cure, hence the importance of tests and health screenings.

4.     Daily Exercise and Minimal Alcohol Intake

Exercising is one of the most emphasized points for achieving a healthier and more fit body. Some significant life expectancy improvements related to exercising include a healthier heart, reduced cholesterol levels, and improved blood flow.

Exercising doesn’t mean you must go to the gym. You can work out at home with stretching, yoga, or brisk walking rather than strenuous weightlifting. Remaining consistent in your workout is more beneficial than doing intense workouts followed by periods of no exercise.

Countless people depend on alcohol, whether it is for happy hours, social gatherings, or even conferences. This is detrimental if you want to extend life because it makes diseases like esophageal, colon, and breast cancer more likely.

We realize that quitting alcohol might be easier said than done, but moderation is possible. Excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. It can also add to your waistline. 

The Takeaway

Our lifestyle habits today lean most people toward behaviors promoting low life expectancies. Therefore, to live longer, you will have to be objective about your diet, fitness, and alcohol intake. Hold yourself accountable and have consistency in your practices. You will be surprised by the long-term outcomes if you persevere through it long enough. The tips and recommendations above can set you well on your longevity journey and help you live a healthy and fulfilling life.

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