6 Facts About Gun Control In The US

September 23, 2022

In America, the Second Amendment to the Constitution gives people the right to keep and bear arms.

Many consider this right sacred. The same opinion is shared even by those who believe that more restrictions and control over guns are needed in the United States. You are more likely to be considered crazy if you say that all firearms should be banned entirely. In fact, due to its easy availability in America, US citizens own roughly 40% of all guns. They also introduced the idea of ​​having it into the structure of their culture.

One of the most controversial issues in politics right now is gun control in the US among the people. Many people in the United States keep guns at home for safety reasons. But statistics do not confirm that this is a viable solution. Studies have shown that in a typical scenario, many people do not even have time to draw their weapons in time. And even if they make it in time, they must shoot as soon as the criminal is in sight. Because the attacker has not yet committed a violent crime, many people are reluctant to shoot so quickly.

1. Start of gun control

US federal authorities turned on gun control in America in the early 1930s. A good reason was the high-profile crimes committed by the Mafia. In 1934, a federal law was passed that prohibited individuals from owning weapons such as:

  • machine guns;
  • shotguns;
  • mufflers, and so on.
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In 1938, it was established that a license was required to sell weapons, and the buyer was required to provide his name and address.

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2. State gun control

Whether states can control guns among the population is very relevant today. States can regulate issues such as concealed or open carry of weapons, where you can be with weapons on their territory. A research paper that many people have already done tells us what is allowed. Things like gun acquisition and use are set out at the federal level. Many services control the issuance of licenses to sellers in different states.

3. Permit to carry weapons

As practice shows, most states have no permit to carry weapons. However, it does not affect which weapon you will take. The rules for firearms that are prohibited and permitted are set out at the federal level. Some states require you to carry identification if you have a weapon. Therefore, permission to take is very rare in the states.

4. Minimum age

US federal law sets a minimum age for a potential owner of a gun. The ability to own long-barreled weapons is possible at 18 years old, and short-barreled weapons at 21 years old. The open carry of firearms is now legal in almost half of the US states. Concealed carry is currently available in most states. Also, before obtaining a weapon in some states, it is necessary to undergo training and obtain a license. Thanks to such strict laws, they have a minimum crime rate.

5. Lack of ability to own weapons

In most states, gun ownership is unavailable to people with criminal records. Also, the possibility of obtaining weapons is absent from people placed in psychiatric hospitals. People who have a drug history also do not often have the opportunity. But keep in mind that different states have different laws.

6. Legal sale

Most dealers are interested in obtaining a federal gun license. In general, the seller must be at least 21 years old. Also, those with problems that do not allow for its acquisition cannot be engaged in the sale. They are also required to have premises and notify representatives of law enforcement agencies in advance. Selling via the Internet is subject to the same rules.


There are many exciting facts about gun control in the US. People buy guns for their safety. Mostly gun control began in the 1930s. At the moment, there are many regulatory laws on gun ownership. Gun control in the US is one of the most incredible moments in politics right now. Different states have different laws that regulate certain aspects of owning it.

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