Trying To Conceive? Here Are 6 Helpful Tips

August 22, 2022

For many people, the pathway to pregnancy begins with a surprise positive test; for others, around 15% of couples, it takes a lot of dedication and perseverance.

With infertility in America affecting 15% and globally around 49 million, those on the conception journey are always looking for ways to boost their fertility. From natural methods to pharmaceuticals, many things on the market can aid them and result in a healthy pregnancy. If you’re starting to try for a baby and want to maximize your efforts, keep reading for the most helpful tips you can implement while TTC (“Trying to Conceive”). 

Limit Stress 

While the harmful effects of stress on the general population are well documented, countless studies have also shown that stress during pregnancy could affect babies’ development and a woman’s ability to conceive. Setting boundaries when it comes to superfluous obligations, managing stress levels, and caring for your mental health are vital to your overall well-being, which impacts fertility. Not to mention, being in the best possible headspace is vital when parenting a newborn. Start limiting stress when and where you can, especially if your road to conception is rocky. 

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Healthy Lifestyle 

While stable stress levels are part of a healthy lifestyle, you will want to kick things into overdrive while actively trying to get pregnant. Making sure to get plenty of sleep, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and getting regular physical exercise prepares your body to carry a baby. Studies have also shown that women in strong, physical health have an easier time conceiving than their couch-potato counterparts. Finding a form you enjoy can make all the difference if you have trouble getting regular exercise. When it comes to restorative and healthy sleep, it is key to create a routine to unwind and promote restfulness. Supplementing your healthy lifestyle with beneficial prenatal vitamins, Folic Acid, and other fertility supplements is a great idea too.

Ditch the Vices 

While bad habits can help take the edge off a bad day, it’s best to ditch them ASAP when you’re preparing to get pregnant. Whether you smoke, vape, or drink alcohol, set a quit date and stick to it. If you’re struggling with quitting, book an appointment with your GP or OB for help. The debate is still on caffeine while TTC or during pregnancy, with some women foregoing it altogether. However, the consensus among doctors is that 200 mg per day is perfectly safe. 

There’s an App for That 

For many women, tracking their ovulation isn’t as easy as it is for others. It’s estimated that over 50 million women worldwide use period tracking apps. These apps are a game changer when it comes to knowing your fertile window and when you’re ovulating. By knowing when you ovulate, you can maximize your efforts to achieve that positive pregnancy test for which you’re aiming. 

When to Test for Pregnancy 

Waiting to take a pregnancy test for couples struggling with fertility issues can feel like they’re waiting for eternity. Thankfully, reputable and conclusive early pregnancy tests on the market can take the weight out of the waiting game. Gone are the days when you must wait until you’ve missed a period. These tests are over 99% accurate and can tell you five days before your period is due. It’s also a good idea to stock up on early pregnancy tests and standard ones. 

Know When to Consult a Doctor 

If you and your partner have been TTC for over six months, are both over 35 years old, and haven’t had success. If you and your partner are under 35 years old and have been having unprotected sex for a year and still haven’t received a positive pregnancy test result, booking an appointment for an infertility evaluation will be your next step. Many options are available to couples facing these issues, so don’t despair and look at your doctor’s appointment as the next step in your journey to parenthood. 

It can feel unfair when people around you get pregnant without trying or even evoke anxiety or depression when you spend time around other people’s babies and young children. No matter what your path to pregnancy looks like, using the above tips to boost your mental health and overall well-being is beneficial. Here’s to your health and healthy pregnancy!

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