Brady PAC Announces Support For Congraional Member Liz Holzman 9 Point Gun Safety Plan

August 21, 2022

Today, Brady PAC, the leading organization dedicated to advocating for gun violence prevention policies across the country endorsed former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman’s 9-point plan to address gun violence.

Holtzman’s plan is centered around the purchasing power of the federal government to force the firearms industry to act.

“We have an epidemic of gun violence in this country, and I have a practical plan to help combat it right now,” said Rep. Liz Holtzman. “The federal government spends billions of dollars on firearms for the military, U.S. Marshal Service, FBI, and other law enforcement and security purposes. The government should now begin using that purchasing power to stop the sale of assault rifles and similar weapons to civilians and restrict the sale of other firearms to civilians. This can be done by executive action and avoid the obstacles of filibuster and Republican opposition.”

“Addressing government procurement is an innovative tool in the fight to end gun violence. We applaud Rep. Holtzman’s gun safety plan, as well as her lifelong leadership in this area,” according to Brady PAC.

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Holtzman’s Full Plan can be found HERE.

Holtzman said, if her plan is adopted, for the first time, gun vendors and their subsidiaries seeking government contracts will need to follow a robust firearms industry code of responsible conduct. The code is grounded in Brady Organization principles and recent California gun control laws. The federal government will assist states and cities in introducing a similar requirement for gun vendors seeking to do business with them.

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