Ways To Get Good Customer Reviews

August 31, 2022

There’s no doubt that customer reviews are crucial for the success of your business.

They not only help you better understand your customers’ concerns and improve your customer service but also make your business look more credible and trustworthy in the eyes of potential customers.

Although many brands may be tempted to buy Google reviews, you should also pay attention to the quality of products and services you provide to your customers. If they are good enough, your customers will naturally be inclined to leave a 5-star review.

Nevertheless, we have mentioned several effective ways in this article to facilitate good customer reviews and boost your overall reputation in the market. Read below to learn!

1.    Provide Exceptional Customer Service

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Nothing else can help you get good customer reviews instantly than providing the best customer service. Your customers want to feel valued and appreciated. If you consider their concerns and listen to their needs properly, they won’t have any reason not to leave a great review.

You should send out satisfaction surveys or directly ask your customer service agents about recurring customer problems. Furthermore, having a chatbot on your website with a dedicated customer support team member round the clock will make it easier for you to solve or answer queries from your customers.

2.    Allow Reviews from Different Platforms

Most often than not, customers who want to give positive reviews to you would want the process to be hassle-free. In other words, if they can’t find a review platform or section in a few seconds, they won’t bother to spend several minutes finding it and leaving you a review.

That’s why you should allow reviews from different platforms. In addition, you must make sure that the link or the feedback section is convenient to find. For example, if you have Yelp reviews for your brand, you should embed the link on your Facebook page or add the direct link to your Instagram bio. This will allow them to quickly navigate the relevant site and leave a good review.

3.    Offer Rewards

If you want to value your customer’s time, you should incentivize them and, at the same time, encourage them to leave a review. A reward will play a key role in motivating them to spare some time to provide you with feedback.

For example, you can offer free company swag, a coupon code, a gift card, or an entrance to a contest for huge prizes. You should clearly mention on your website that you will offer these rewards for customers who will leave a review.

However, it’s essential to remember that whatever incentive you entice them with, you should never ask them to leave a positive or a 5-star rating because this will negatively impact your business and drastically affect your reputation for potential customers.

4.    Give Your Workers Rewards for Positive Customer Reviews

Your employees are the backbone of your business. As an owner of the business, you may not always be in direct contact with your customers. On the other hand, your employees are customers’ first point of contact, and if they treat them right, your customers will happily leave positive reviews.

You should reward your employees with a token of appreciation or a small bonus whenever their efforts lead to positive customer reviews. This will also motivate your workers to provide the best services to your customers, and always ask them to leave a review.

5.    Ask for Reviews from the Same Place

As we talked about allowing reviews from different platforms in point #2, it’s equally vital for you to ask for reviews from the same place for added convenience. For instance, if you are collecting reviews for your Facebook page, you should send the request via Facebook Messenger.

However, if you want to collect reviews from another platform, you should send a direct link to your customers, so they don’t have to waste their time and energy. Let’s say if you want Google Reviews from your customer for a product they recently purchased, you could email them asking about their feedback with a direct link to the Google Reviews page.

6.    Respond to Negative Reviews

Most brands tend to respond quickly to positive reviews, leaving negative reviews unattended. This merely shows how reckless the brand is and the value they hold for its customers. This can be a major turn-off for the majority of potential customers, and they may entirely change their minds about investing in your business.

Therefore, you must respond to negative reviews as well. Always ask them how to quickly resolve the issue and make them happy. Whatever the issue is, you must instantly take care of it, so they turn into one of your satisfied customers. This behavior may even urge them to change their review and share with others with joy how well you took care of the issue.

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