6 Health Benefits Of Far Infrared Mats

August 24, 2022

By Amelia Croud

At first, I believed that there was no way I could instantly relieve my back pain, overcome my stress and fatigue, regain my energy, strengthen my immune system, and detoxify the harmful body chemicals – Just by lying on my new FIR mat and relaxing.

In this article, we have explained the 6 amazing health benefits of far infrared mats or heating pads to release mental stress and physical health issues.

1.   Weight loss and burn calories

The body is working hard as one is relaxing on the far cardinal pad, sweating, pumping blood, and burning calories. The radiation coming out from FIR mats accelerates the breakdown of cellulite and fat. Because of the resonant frequency of infrared rays, they can easily absorb organic substances and water molecules.

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According to an American Medical Association Journal, a single far-reaching workout can burn as many calories as 30 minutes of jogging or rowing. It is an easier process to burn all your calories than running for hours.

2.   Promotes perspiration

If you live in a cold environment, you will surely value heat and perspiration to keep yourself warm. This increase in body temperature may help to fight against various diseases and health issues in the body. Your body temperature will rise after a session on the FIR mat, causing you to perspire. Also, keep in mind that sweating causes your body to emit toxins and harmful chemicals which are dangerous for your health.

3.   Restful and stress-free Sleep

FIR mat is an excellent stress reliever due to the combination of soft warmth and relaxed muscles. It is just like you are lying on the beach in the afternoon – not too cold or hot – perfect for sound sleep. Many people with chronic pain find it difficult to fall asleep at night due to the severity of the pain.

A full-body infrared mat is a solution to this problem! When you sleep on it, it reduces all your pain and stress and provides you a good quality sleep for a long time.

4. Clears the skin from impurities

The heat and negative ions from the far infrared radiations penetrate the body deeply via the skin, aiding in the lymphatic and skin system for the detoxification of impurities. Far infrared rays speed up the removal of dead skin cells which improves exfoliation.

The health and appearance of the skin are rejuvenated as a result of increased circulation, which brings the natural nutrients of the skin to the surface. FIR mats also help to deal with most skin problems like acne, wrinkles, cellulite and pimples.

5.   Improve body metabolism and immune system

Another amazing benefit of the FIR mat is its capacity to stimulate and speed up metabolism and improve nutrient absorption. Infrared radiation also boosts the body’s immune system. These FIR rays deeply penetrate the body up to 8 inches. This intense heat creates a “healthy fever” that helps the body produce antibodies and white blood cells that fight off pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even parasites that are invading.

The body produces more white blood cells as it attempts to induce the “fever,” which strengthens and activates the immune system. Overall health and disease resistance are significantly improved when harmful toxins and waste products are detoxified.

6.   Cure Allergic Rhinitis

When specific allergens that are present in the air trigger the natural defense of your body, it results in hay fever and inflammation of the nose. This is the most common chronic health problem in people worldwide. Some common therapeutic methods, such as immunotherapy, medications, and avoiding allergens, are ineffective.

According to research, FIR mats are the best therapy treatment that produced significant results. The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conducted some research in 2007 that demonstrated that FIR heat affected hay fever symptoms.

FIR mats are helpful for a lot of people to manage pain, muscle spasms, stress, tension, fatigue and sleeplessness. Taking a therapy session on an FIR mat for a few minutes can overcome your stress, back pain and other health issues.



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