Empower Your Way Into Better Health On A Budget

August 3, 2022

Too often, the medical and health solutions pushed by bloggers and health experts involve expensive options not everyone can access.

Fortunately, now more than ever, women can take more control over their health and well-being through the power of technology. The future of women’s health care is telehealth. 

Telehealth, online and app options for health care help preserve women’s privacy and frequently costs little to nothing. Here are some ways women can take, and keep, control over their health, from the privacy of their own phones or computer. 

Medical Advice

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More and more, hospitals and clinics are offering telehealth options to patients. This is a huge step forward for people who live in medical deserts, folks with mobility issues, or people who have their own reasons for wanting to talk to a medical professional remotely. That means no pricey commute to the doctor’s office and no taking a half day off from work to sit in a waiting room. 

Here are a couple of tips to make sure you make the most out of the convenience of talking to your doctor on video:

  • Write down what you want to talk about, to make sure you don’t forget anything. 
  • Check that the internet connection is good before you get started. 
  • Make sure your video is clear and well-lit, so the doctor can see you and see the body parts you need to talk about. 


Prescription costs can be extreme budget busters. Here are some smart ways to take control over accessing and paying for the medication you need. Things like prescription skin care are easier to purchase than ever with the rise of specialty pharmaceutical websites, like Hey Favor. Many of these websites offer a one-stop shop. You provide your medical information and request a prescription. Their medical experts review your information and ship you the medication, if medically eligible.

There are other ways you can control your prescription costs, too. Shop around online for prices. Look for prescription coupons and co-pay plans. Ask your pharmacist for cost-saving advice. Talk to your prescriber about generic versions of the drug.

Read Up and Ask Around

Building your knowledge means good things for your health and budget in a variety of ways. Knowing what resources are available in your area will help you get the help you need as quickly as possible, if you need help in person. That will help with the expected, like scheduling the visits you need for annual checkups or managing chronic illnesses. It will also help with the unexpected, like dealing with a car accident. Knowing where to find information and help means you can get right to the help you need when you need it most. 

One key piece of advice when it comes to getting educated is to be discerning about where you get your information. As well-intentioned as a yoga mom’s website might be when it comes to doling out medical advice, a better bet is to stick with the real experts. People with real medical training are much more reliable resources than some random Instagrammer who is parroting random health care advice with the goal of getting likes and followers. 

Move and Eat Better

Improving your diet and exercise are two of the best ways to take control of your health. Luckily, there are so many ways to affordable upgrade what you eat and how much you move, we can’t list them all here. Here are some basics to get you started.

Move more. Even if you walk slowly around the block, you’ve made more of an effort compared to the people who are still sitting on the couch. The bonus for your budget is that walks and runs are free! There are a ton of free exercise videos online, for those who prefer calisthenics, aerobics, or yoga. 

Eating healthier is one of the best ways to take control of your health. Follow these three main tips to get into a healthier, more affordable groove with what you eat. First, eat real food – and not additives, preservatives, and processed food. Second, eat more fruits and vegetables. Third, eat only when you are hungry. Joining a CSA, food buying club, or healthy cooking club typically means big savings on healthy foods, including fresh produce. 

Use Your Local Library

You already know that libraries are powerhouses of free stuff. Talk to your librarian about getting access to all the ideas above. Libraries can provide internet access, computers, and private spaces in which to conduct your telehealth visits and do your research. Librarians can direct you to books, and even websites, to help you find the resources and information you need.

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