7 Safety Tips For Cyclists To Avoid Accidents

November 24, 2023

Cycling is the best way to stay fit, help the environment, and avoid getting stuck in traffic.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1000 cyclists are killed and more than 130,000 are injured in accidents that occur on U.S. roads each year.

If you are injured in a bicycle accident, then it is necessary to hire a bicycle accident attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve.

In this blog post, we are going to share seven safety tips for cyclists to prevent accidents.

  • Wear a Helmet
  • Obey Traffic Laws
  • Make Sure You are Visible to Others
  • Avoid Distractions
  • Check Your Bicycle Before You Ride
  • Stay in Bike Lanes
  • Maintain a Safe Distance from Other Vehicles
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Wear a Helmet

Cyclists should wear a helmet whenever they ride. A helmet can protect their head from severe injuries and reduce the impact it suffers in the event of an accident. It is necessary to wear a helmet that fits properly and meets safety standards.

Obey Traffic Laws

The following traffic rules should be followed by cyclists:

  • Stopping at red lights and signs
  • Signal your turns and lane changes
  • Yield to pedestrians and other vehicles
  • You should ride in the marked bicycle lanes
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic and avoid riding on sidewalks

Make Sure You are Visible to Others

The following tips will increase visibility for cyclists:

  • Wear fluorescent or bright clothing, helmets, or neon vests with reflectors
  • Avoid wearing dark colors at night, as many bicycle accidents happen around 6 o’clock in the evening and 9 o’clock at night
  • Use reflectors and white lights on your gear and bicycle
  • Use a reflective band that can be worn on your wrists and ankles

Avoid Distractions

Distraction is one of the main reasons for bicycle accidents. It can affect your ability to react to hazards and prevent accidents. Make sure your eyes are glued to the road and keep an eye out for environmental elements that may trip you.

Here are some general distractions to avoid while riding a bicycle:

  • Avoid listening to music
  • Avoid using your mobile phone
  • Check for potential hazards like potholes and sewer grates
  • Take care when riding past parked vehicles to avoid becoming a victim of dooring
  • Keep an eye out for runaway animals or children

Check Your Bicycle Before You Drive

You should maintain the bicycle in good condition. Before you ride, it is important to check your bicycle for any malfunctions or defects so that the bicycle doesn’t fail when it’s in motion. Some common defects to look out for include loose brakes, flat tires, and broken chains.

Moreover, you must adjust your pedals and handlebars to suit your height and convenience. If you notice any issues with your bicycle, you must fix them or take your bike to a professional mechanic.

Stay in Bike Lanes When Possible

Bike lanes are areas on the road designated for cyclists. They provide cyclists with a safe route to ride, away from traffic. You should use bicycle lanes whenever they are available, as they are safe.

However, you must also be careful of pedestrians, other cyclists, or obstacles in the bike lanes. If there are no bike lanes, you must ride as far to the right side of the road as possible, but not too close to the parked cars or curb.

Maintain a Safe Distance from Other Vehicles

Maintaining a safe distance from other cyclists, vehicles, and pedestrians can help you avoid accidents and injuries. You must leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you to maneuver or brake in case of an emergency.

Moreover, you must avoid riding in the blind spots of drivers. You must respect the space of other cyclists and pedestrians and pass them with caution.

Final Thoughts

We hope our article has helped you understand the risks involved in cycling and how to get past those risks.

The lack of protective covering on bicycles exposes cyclists to an array of serious injuries, like fractures and concussions. Although proper gear can reduce the impact of an accident, you are still vulnerable to injuries, especially if the accident happens on busy roads.

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a bicycle accident, you must get medical care and legal assistance. With the help of a lawyer, you can prove the injuries you suffered and get fair compensation for your losses.

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