6 Things You Should Consider Before Going To Hair Restoration Therapy In Harlem And Beyond

October 23, 2023

Hair loss, whether noticeable thinning hair or baldness, happens for several reasons.

It could occur due to health problems; the hair loss could go away when the health problem is adequately treated. However, if the hair loss is due to other causes, it is best that you visit a hair specialist to determine the root cause and find a possible solution, which is restoration. Going for a hair restoration procedure is a big decision that anyone should put in thought and effort before the big decision. This article will explore six of the factors you should consider before going to get your hair restored in therapy.

Consultation with a Specialist

Consulting a qualified hair restoration specialist is crucial. A hair restoration specialist understands and assesses various conditions that result in your hair loss and then guides you appropriately. Hair restoration is a permanent procedure that must be approached with professionalism deserved. A specialist puts all the information into the light on the possible pros and cons of each hair restoration therapy. Additionally, most hair restoration specialists are surgeons. Look into the surgeon’s experience and skills they display in carrying out the procedures. There is a direct link between the experience and the quality of services the surgeon provides. Consult online reviews and request the surgeon’s qualification to rule out any possibility of a quack surgeon. More so, the qualifications should be topped up by looking at the success rates of hair restoration therapies.

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Treatment Options

There are various hair restoration treatment options available in most of the clinics. Some of the options include medication, low-level laser therapy, hair transplant surgery, and platelet-rich plasma. Each of these therapies has its strengths and shortcomings. You must understand the treatment option that suits your hair needs the most. Each therapy required will be determined by the extreme at which your hair loss has gone. Under the hair transplant procedure, most of the cosmetic procedures include slit-grafting, micro-grafting, scalp reduction, and punch grafting. The patient’s desires and circumstances will determine the type of treatment option that will work best for them.


Cost and pricing are major factors to consider in any procedure without limiting hair restoration therapies. Most individuals seeking to undergo this treatment seek the therapy’s cost even before booking a consultation. This is because adequate planning is crucial for the procedure. Be sure not to consult quack doctors, as this is more of a permanent procedure that could leave you scarred when done incorrectly. Most of the time, when you seek cheap options, they end up being expensive in the long run when you try to avert the damages caused. These procedures are expensive but worth it. However, you can consult with various clinics to get the best affordable prices, as each clinic works on its own terms. Going for hair restoration therapy helps you save more as you will do away with buying expensive hair products that have false promises of rejuvenating your hair. Research for affordable clinics, but do not sacrifice quality over cheap hair restoration costs. 

Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Patient reviews and testimonials are a solid reference when it comes to choosing the right clinic and hair restoration specialist for your needs. Before deciding on any procedures, be sure to look at what the previous patients said about the services they received. Positive reviews will help you decide on the clinic and have better confidence in the hair restoration therapy. The best places to get genuine reviews are hair forums. This is because the topic of interest in such forums is hair therapies or ways to improve your hair. You may also consult friends or family who might have undergone the same procedures. Connecting directly with a patient who underwent the therapy will help you gain better feedback and firsthand information on how they experienced the process. 

Deciding on the Hair Restoration Clinic

There are plenty of hair restoration clinics available. One mistake people make is to pick the first clinic they come across without researching for more clinics. Researching clinics, you will find they all offer their services with uniqueness. Some have decided to incorporate technology such as robotic procedures, while others follow up on your recovery. Consider a clinic that offers the latest procedures because when old procedures are replaced, that means there have been advanced services offered. 

Realistic Expectations

The outcome of hair restoration needs to be considered as realistic. Often, individuals go for hair restoration therapies because they see it look good on someone else. However, you must understand that the outcome could be different for you because it varies from person to person. Therefore, you just focus more on choosing the therapies that work for you and not the other person, as the root causes are different for everyone.

a man is combing his hair with his hands

Hair restoration treatment is essential as it helps you regain your confidence and esteem among your peers. Hair restoration therapies are permanent procedures that require professional intervention. Remember to explore all the six considerations mentioned above to get the best outcome and a solution for your hair loss.

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