4 Beginners Tips For Learning How To Draw

September 16, 2022

If you are a beginner with a desire to learn how to draw, it can be hard to know where to start your creative journey.

There are many videos online that tell you about perspective, color schemes, proportions, etc. Yet, many of them seem to require previous knowledge.

Learning how to draw is like learning how to play the piano. You wouldn’t start with Mozart immediately — you’d start with some basic, easy songs first.

The same goes for drawing. You should master the basics first, like how to draw lines and shapes, and how to shade. Then, you can use simple forms to create more complex illustrations, such as animal and still life sketches.

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In this article, we will share four tips that will make the process of learning how to draw easier!

1.   Begin With Simple Shapes

Don’t choose complicated things to draw at the beginning. Stick to simple shapes.

You can start with squares, ovals, and triangles and keep drawing them until you perfect them.

Drawing basic forms is a useful and easy artistic exercise that allows you to loosen up your arm and slowly build your drawing skills.

After that, you can proceed to the next level and draw hearts, hexagons, etc.

Basic shapes can be a great drawing warm-up, and as your skills improve, you can move on to illustrating more complicated stuff.

For example, you can watch this cat drawing guide by BioWars and follow the steps to learn how to draw a cat the easy way:

2.   Put Objects In Perspective

After you’ve learned how to draw basic shapes, it’s time to draw them from perspective.

You should begin by picking one object and then turning it around to observe it from all angles. Challenge yourself and put it in an unexpected position. Try drawing that object then, and when you’re done, change the object’s perspective again and repeat the process.

The more you practice the easier it will become for you to create the illusion of depth in your drawings!

3.   Add Light and Shadow

Light and shadow determine the atmosphere of your art and bring it to “life”.

Try to observe how light and shadows are cast on an object.

You can take a photograph and see where the light source is and which of its parts are illuminated. Then, take a look at the parts that are in the shadows. Then, try to redraw the photograph and copy the light and shadows as best you can.

Next, observe a real-life object and apply the same rules. Notice which parts of it are highlighted and which are darker ad copy the light-shadow interplay on your drawing. Don’t worry if you can’t get it right on your first try — practice makes perfect! And that brings us to our final advice.

4.   Practice Every Day

Make no excuses, just practice! Even one hour of drawing per day will help you learn new technics and get closer to achieving your artistic goals.

You can bring a small sketchbook with you everywhere and draw whenever you have time no matter where you are. Practice drawing nature, people, and anything else that comes to your mind.

Even if you’re in a restaurant and the inspiration strikes, grab a piece of paper and start sketching!

Doodling also counts!

When you’re a beginner, it’s important you establish a drawing routine.

If you practice every now and then, you might improve a bit, but without a routine, you won’t make any significant progress and you’re like to go ”2 steps forward and 2 steps back” unless you practice on the regular.


Are you ready to create your new piece of art?

Take things slow and start from the basic shapes.

Then, slowly progress to putting objects in perspective and shading your sketches.

And practice, practice, practice! Grab a piece of paper and a pen and take your drawing skills to the next level!

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